For this project we were tasked with creating a brand identity for world renowned basketball player Kevin Garnett's new production studio, Content Cartel. We produced their logo, website, graphic content, and merchandise.

Primary logo
with color variations

Secondary logo
with color variations.
Ideal for social media icons

Tertiary logo
with color variations.
Ideal for social media icons
Visual Design
This is a great place to add a tagline.
As with every branding project, the visual design was key in representing the brand properly. We wanted to communicate something that would leave people informed and curious.
The Content Cartel embodies the vigilance of the infamous cartel,
Web Design
Complete web design & development
NBA Hall of Famer Kevin Garnett told us he wanted a slick, yet stylized web platform to showcase his upstart production company, Content Cartel. We integrated all of the company's content and gave it a modernized "cartel" vibe where it fit best. Check the site out at Thecontentcartel.com

Additional Visual Assets


Business cards